We can help solve your window and door problems. Below is a list of questions that we are frequently asked. If your problem isn’t on our list, please get in touch!

When a seal along the perimeter of the glass fails it allows moist air to fill the space between the panes and this is called ‘seal failure.’ Replacing the entire window is not always necessary. You may only need to replace the thermal pane glass unit to fix this problem.

The windows may need new weather stripping to stop air leakage, and humidity levels inside the residence may need to be controlled.

Low E is a coating on the inside of the thermal pane unit that reduces ultraviolet ray and glare. Argon is a gas between the panes of glass that increases the insulation performance (R value) of the window.

The door wheels may need to be adjusted or replaced and the track lubricated for optimal performance.

Silicone based sprays are your best option as they do not collect dirt and dust as the oil based sprays do.

Looking out a window into Kingston